martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Shami Kebab

Hoy mi mañana comenzó con un e-mail, de uno de esos amigos de la infancia, Mott, a quienes debo el nombre Shami. El e-mail decía lo siguiente:

Sabias que eres el plato de comida más popular en Pakistán? jejejejejeje

Shami Kebab ((Urdu: شامی کباب ), Hindi: शामी कबाब) or Shami Tikka ((Urdu: شامی تکہ ), Hindi: शामी टिक्का) is a popular Pakistani and Indian kebab, that is composed of small patty minced mutton or beef, ground chickpeas and spices.”

Shami kebabs are an extremely popular snack in Pakistan and India. They are often garnished with lemon juice and/or sliced raw onions, and are usually eaten with chutney made from mint or coriander. They are also served along with Sheer Khurma on Muslim Eid Days.

A variation of Shami Kebab is also found in the Bangladeshi cuisine. The recipe is almost the same but it tastes different from the original version. Beef Shami Kebab is the most popular.

Jajajajajaja, can’t wait to try a Shami Kebab! Thxs Mott for this piece of knowledge that adds up to my already overcharged and powerful nickname.

3 comentarios:

Raúl Stolk dijo...

JAJAJAJAJAJJA fui testigo del descubrimiento!

Anónimo dijo...

LMAO! See? some get famous at twitter, but you my friend... you don't need any of that cause you even have your own brand of food and all!! This post was fun! =)

Toto dijo...

Shami Kebab le gana a pocetas Toto ANY DAY! jejeje

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